
Rang-De By Metlife

Empowering Women through Social Business

Rang-De by MetLife is a social business initiative aimed at empowering illiterate women and trans genders who lack access to digital tools. By offering them high-quality female clothing on a sale basis, we provide them with the means to earn a substantial income, fostering economic independence and dignity.

Finance Counsulting
Finance Counsulting

**Project Objectives** • Economic Empowerment: Enable women to earn a substantial income by selling clothing. • Self-Sufficiency: Equip participants with a sustainable business model. • Community Development: Foster a supportive network for women to work together and achieve common goals. **Target Audience** • Illiterate women and trans genders who cannot use digital tools. • Women are eager to work but lack of investment &opportunities due to technological barriers. • Women who prefer or need to work from home due to family or cultural reasons. **Product Offering** Stitched Clothing: Ready-to-wear garments for immediate sale. Unstitched Clothing: Fabric that the buyer or seller can customize for a personalized touch. **Business Model** • Initial Supply: Rang-De by MetLife supplies clothing inventory on a sale basis, with no upfront payment required. • Sales Process: Participants sell clothing within their communities using personal networks and traditional sales methods. **• Profit Distribution:** o 70% of the profit goes to the seller. o 30% is retained by Rang-De MetLife to cover production, logistics, and management costs. • Repayment: After sales, participants repay the cost of the dresses to Rang-De by MetLife, keeping their profit. **Support and Training** • Sales Training: Basic training on pricing, customer service, and inventory management. • Product Knowledge: Education on fabrics and clothing styles to enhance sales effectiveness. • Financial Literacy: Basic training to help manage earnings, save, and reinvest in their business. **Marketing Strategy** • Community Engagement: Utilize community leaders and influencers for promotion and recruitment. • Word-of-mouth: Encourage participants to spread the word within their communities. • Promotional Events: Organize local events for participants to showcase and sell their clothing. **Operational Plan** • Inventory Management: Central warehouse for storing and distributing clothing to participants. • Logistics: Efficient delivery system ensuring timely and safe delivery of clothing. • Payment Collection: Simple and transparent payment system for collecting repayments after sales. **Financial Plan** • Initial Investment: MetLife invests in sourcing and producing the initial inventory. • Revenue Stream: Generated through a 30% share of profits from each sale. • Cost Management: Efficient production, inventory, and logistics systems to manage costs effectively. **Impact Measurement** • Income Tracking: Monitor participants’ income to assess success. • Community Impact: Evaluate improvements in living standards and economic activity. • Participant Feedback: Regularly gather feedback to improve the project and address challenges. **Sustainability and Growth** • Scalability: Expand the project to other regions or include additional products based on initial success. • Sustainability: Ensure participants earn a substantial income to create a self-sustaining model. **Conclusion** Rang-De by MetLife is not just a business model—it’s a platform for social change. By empowering illiterate women and transgenders with the tools to succeed, we aim to uplift entire communities, fostering economic independence and dignity for those who need it most.